Membership Application
You are about to embark upon a marvelous journey. By completing the form below, you will join a family of friends dedicated to the visions and goals set forth in the Star Trek television series.
One of the first fan clubs patterned after Star Trek, we are a group of science fiction fans, space enthusiasts, trekkers, and trekkies who like to have fun while supporting local, regional and national charities.
As in the Star Trek series, each person will be assigned to a local unit (ship), hold a rank, and become a part of the wondrous universe that is Starfleet Command. Members receive a subscription to our newsletter STARFLEET COMMUNICATIONS, Duty Orders, and new units receive a Commissioning Certificate. Initially, new members are assigned to local units as enlisted recruits (or midshipmen, if under ten years). Members (age 16+) may choose to become officers by completing Starfleet Academy. This is to help familiarize you with our organization and to assist you as you begin your journey into the realm of Starfleet Command.
Select a Membership Pledge or Renewal:
Annual Membership
Your membership lasts for one year and you renew annually. Costs are
Single membership......................$12
Family membership 2 people ..... $20
Family membership 3 or more ... $24
Lifetime Membership
Your membership is for life. Onetime costs are are
Single membership......................$150
Family membership 2 people ..... $175
Family membership 3 or more ... $200