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Starfleet Command, (SFC) a Star Trek fan club, was established in October, 1974 in North America. Since that time, our organization has grown to include chapters throughout the United States, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

The Admiralty Board ensures membership information is accurate and that memberships and renewals are processed in a timely manner as well as publish the Q1 newsletters. They present annual Fleet awards and modify or change fleet policies known as the Articles of Federation (AFEDs) as necessary.

SFC main headquarters are located in the United States and known as Quadrant One.

Starfleet Command Quadrant One encompasses North America (the United States of America, Canada and Mexico).


Quadrant One is divided into regions known as Starbases (or SB's). Each Starbase has a commanding officer. All ships (units) in a particular area report monthly to their Starbase Commanding Officer.  Who, in turn, submit reports to the Deputy Fleet Commander on the status of their region.

The top post in Starfleet Command is the Commander-in-Chief. This person is selected by consensus of the three governing Quadrant Admiralty Boards. Each Quadrant is administered by an Admiralty Board or similar institution.

Ships are the most important asset in Starfleet Command. Without ships, we as an organization could not exist. Your ship will be your gateway to new friends, discovering new challenges and new frontiers. Individual units help with local and regional charities, hold regular meetings and publish newsletters.

admiralty circle

Starfleet Command Admiralty Board

Starfleet Command's chain of command is presented through the admiralty board.

Awards and Achievements

Starfleet command rewards Fleet Units, Starbases, and members who contribute their time and energy to the organization with annual recognition in the form of awards.

Lifetime Award.jpg

Starfleet Command

Quadrant 1


Starfleet Command

Quadrant 2

Join the Oldest Star Trek Fan Organization in the World
Est. 1974


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Star Trek, and all related, derived or inferred ideas are the intellectual property of Viacom & CBS. No infringement is intended in the use of this material. The owner is not generating any profit from the display of this site,.

1974- 2024 by STARFLEET Command Quadrant One. 

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